Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 24

The water game is proving harder than we first thought! Just getting Billee to want to put her hands in the water etc.... at the moment it is def needing two of us to juggle things!

She is trying so hard to roll over a lot now but is still getting her arm stuck underneath her.
Last night she (we!) was awake a lot of the night firstly talking, babbling etc.. and then crying!
At one point she was really trying to roll over and then once we helped her to go all of the way she stopped crying. It was kind of strange like her brain knew what it wanted to do but her body couldn't do it?

Maybe this is where ABR will work well with MAPS in the future.
MAPS creates the pathways and ABR strengthens her body.

We are continuing with 2 hourly ice, claw and smell and also 2 hourly claw and smell.

She is looking well at the art work but only following the red object above it occasionally.

Now I am going to tackle the water game again!

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