Monday, October 25, 2010

A little bump in the road

On Friday I could feel myself getting a sore throat and then on Saturday I woke up feeling awful.
I went straight to my Doctor because I knew it wasn't just a sore throat and I was right I have a bad case of Tonsilitis!

The last time I felt this bad Jaymi was 6 weeks old (she's 10 now).
I spent all day Saturday in bed and only got up on Sunday because we had Billee's birthday party.

I struggled through the afternoon, I'm not sure how!

Today Glenn took Billee to the hospital very early as she had a gastric stomach emptying study booked in and Mum and Dad took the girls to school.

Surfice to say Billee's programme has suffered as a result.

Glenn has been great at holding everything together but he isn't me!! Haha!!

I feel so frustrated because I hate being ill and when I am ill I never remove myself from the family and spend all day in bed.
Seriously though I have had to this time.

I'm hoping everything is back to normal by tomorrow.

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