Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More hospital appointments...

Billee had the final (I hope) test today in relation to her possible reflux / gastro issues.
She had a barium meal test.
This is where they put a yukky liquid into her tummy and then X ray to see if there are any blockages etc...

Its seems everything went well but we will get the results next week.

As well as this she had a gastric stomach emptying study done on Monday.
Two weeks ago she had a camera put down her throat to check for scarring or other signs of reflux and biopsies taken.
At the same time she had a 24 probe inserted into her nose and I had to record info like when she fed, slept, coughed etc....

Hopefully now her Gastroenterologist will have a full picture of what is going on and we might get some answers.

Billee is fast asleep in her bedroom at the moment after spending most of the morning screaming!

I hate days like today when every thing gets messed up.

But Billee is such a strong little girl she takes it all on the chin....Bless her.

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