Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New 2 week programme

I spoke with Claudie Gordon - Pomares this morning at our fortnightly phone appointment.

We discussed my recent report, Billee's reactions to the last set of exercises and her new programme for the next 2 weeks.

We always start with the same things:

- Smell & gentle claw every hour to increase seratonin.
- Classical music
- MAPS 1
- Stretches

This time we are continuing with working on rolling and kneeling.
We also have 3 therma lines / finger lines and a warm dough exercise.
Also an exercise working with art and texture.

As I usually do, I typed out a record keeping sheet and blue tacked it to the wall so that we are able to tick stuff off as we do it.

Hubby and I then go through the programme once together to ensure we both know what to do and we usually video some bits to send to Claudie if we are unsure.

This time she would like videos in a couple of days so that she is able to see Billee's reactions to the new set of exercises.

We will start this tonight and see how she goes......

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